Thursday, June 19, 2008

I don't like Firefox as much anymore...

I say that mostly because of how it treats the website address in the bar at the top. In the older version, if there was particular site I was intrigued by, and wanted to see it later, I would just click on the url up above, press 'Enter', and voila I could save it for later. Now it won't even do that for me, which is a real waste. Like if I wanted to save a journal that I wanted to read later that day, but didn't want to bookmark it, because let's face it, bookmarks are a waste of time for me, I could click it, return later and post a comment.

Of course, all is not lost. I made the mistake of typing in my website address wrong, and not it's stuck in the address bar. To the "geniuses" in charge of screwing that up. I can't even get the correct spelling to stay there, and the misspelling stuck there forever. Why do I bother even trying to stay up to speed. *GAH* And just when I'm so used to the Google web page showing up first, with the default Firefox Google page showing up beneath that, I'm not even given the benefit of the doubt anymore. *Has nothing here*

First, Terminator 4 is going to be rated PG-13, then I lose my camera before I could upload about a year's worth of photos onto my hard drive, now this. Sometimes it doesn't pay to just roll with it.