Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Why I watch movies

With such nihilistic cynicism, why would I continue to watch movies? It's simple, really. Because of the hopes that there's the occasional good film in the mountainous pile of turd.

For every 10 "Max Payne" films, there's the occasional "The Dark Knight". Sure, the photography in the former was great, but it doesn't make up for the film's strain, which is about as bad as someone who's constipated. The latter, on the hand, kept building up the action and intensity into one great climactic payoff.

I will admit that, despite being a film fan, I have a rather small DVD collection. This is due, in no small part, to my inability to afford to level up to a collection that can only be described as being legendary. Of course, if I were to be tempted with a contract to review movies released on DVD, with a reasonable paycheck which could go towards helping to me pay for the possibility of an awesome as hell collection that could pay for such, I would be tempted to accept such an offer, with the first check going towards buying as many movies released on video as I can and starting an official business out of it.

*Waits for offers to start pouring in*

Damn! Nothing! I guess I'll have to step up the relentless badgering and lulz-gathering in order to get someone's attention. Watch for my latest DVD review, "Max Payne". Coming soon, to a blog near you.