Sunday, March 1, 2009

I smell butthurt - Ace Ventura Jr. commercial

I saw a commercial for "Ace Ventura Jr.", and the first thing I thought was, "Oh, great, another prequel! And a prequel involving Ace Ventura!" But as it was revealed to not only be a sequel, but one involving the titular hero's titular son.

It's usually not a good sign when the funniest parts of the trailer offer a mediocre "Meh!" response. Look, I understand that writing comedy can be more difficult than any other genre, but surely those people looking for a quick payday could surely come up with a few funny, commercial worthy scenes worth presenting. I would know that it's a sequel worth barely checking out, but at least give us a few nuggets of gold to checkout.

Saying that, I now feel compelled to now watch the movie and give a summary critique. Whenever I figure out when my local, non-Blockbuster Video owned video store carries it.

So, what's new on your end?