Saturday, February 27, 2010

I'm not particularly good at reviewing films

I'm not, really. You can take my word on it. I only review them semi-irregularly because it's like toilet paper: it beats the shit out of me. Plus, I have certain, if slightly bent, emotional attachment to movie, seeing as how I literally grew up around them. But that's a tale best left to doctor-patient privilege. *Grumble grumble grumble anti-social personality disorder and undiagnosed case of erratic, non-violent delusions of psychosis and megalomaniacal grandeur*

But, in broader terms (and NOT terms of broads {awaits getting beating for referring to the term 'broads'}), I attend movies for the same reason I attend fandoms, sub-fandoms, and conventions: to get out of my f***ing head for the weekend. It's all well and good, until the funs over, and I have to get back to reality. Work, family, career. It's not as fun when movies DON'T distract me from that.

But enough of my usual blather. Let's get down to the nitty gritty. Remember when Arnold took that stripper's sass at the beginning of T3, only to turn it around on the gas station employee when trying to get food for John Connor and Kate Brewster? Of course not, it was a pretty lame attempt to recapture the tough guy persona that was the Terminator. It was because everyone remembers when the Terminator either killed two of those punks in the first film, or beat up half the bar in the second film, just to get some clothes. And each time, he turned getting stabbed into his advantage. Now, the third one was a pretty lame, nearly forgettable attempt to continue cashing in on the franchise. I'll even admit that I saw it, with lowered expectations. But you know what, even that film went to #1 on opening weekend.

Unlike Terminator 4 (Because I refuse to acknowledge it without the number in the title), which got beat it's opening weekend by 'Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian'. And I chose to watch that one instead of CGI Arnold. And you know what? NatM actually had some decent special effects. Little sketchy at times, but certainly more entertaining than anything the Uber-Guber's been up to. And I say this, given that I live in California. Fortunately, I live in Imperial Beach, far away from both Hollyweed and Sack-a-Tomatoes, so I face neither the fear nor the terror on a daily basis.

Now, I'll admit my theater going experience is significantly not up to par, but I am making up for it by buying DVD's. Yes, I could illegally download movies, or at least purchase them online or rent them from online retailers like Netflix and iTunes, but I'd rather use my internet connection to play games online, like Team Fortress 2. Plus, I'd rather not have all my movies sitting on my hard drive. What if my computer fails? There goes everything. Plus, given that I grew up in a video store, I'm more inclined to partake in the old mentality of actually shopping around. I enjoy the anticipation of buying and opening a video for the first time, and watching repeatedly until it breaks tape (VHS, anyone? Worse yet, Betamax/Beta), but I also like looking at box art, something I feel is painfully missing from digital downloads.

Gee, it seems like I started rambling incoherently. Maybe next time, I'll prepare a more logical and reasonable rant. Until then, be cool, babe.

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